Post: Video (YouTube)

This post tests YouTube video embeds.

Simply wrap embeds with a <div> element and the appropriate classes:

<!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>

<!-- 4:3 aspect ratio -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>

<!-- responsive iframe. The framesize reduces proportionately when viewing in mobile -->
<div class="video-container">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>


You are seeing this because your Disqus shortname is not properly set. To configure Disqus, you should edit your _config.yml to include either a disqus.shortname variable.

If you do not wish to use Disqus, override the comments.html partial for this theme.